Explore technical data, images, prices, pros & cons of motorcycles to make an informed decision before your next purchase. Whether you're a seasoned rider or a beginner, diving into the comprehensive technical specifications and high-quality images can give you a clear picture of each model's features. Comparing prices and weighing the pros & cons will help you find the perfect motorcycle that fits your needs and budget.

Brixton Motorcycles is a relatively young motorbike brand based in Austria. The brand was founded in 2015 and has since gained a growing fan base around the world. Brixton produces a range of retro-style motorbikes designed primarily for urban use. The model range includes naked bikes, cafe racers and scramblers equipped with reliable but affordable components. The bikes are available in a range of engine sizes, including 125cc, 250cc, 500cc and 1200cc and feature a modern design that pays homage to classic motorbikes of days gone by.
Naked bike

Brixton BX 125
- Cubic capacity:124 ccm
- Power:11.3 HP

Brixton BX 125 Haycroft
- Cubic capacity:124 ccm
- Power:11.3 HP

Brixton BX 125 R
- Cubic capacity:124 ccm
- Power:11.3 HP

Brixton BX 125 SK8
- Cubic capacity:124 ccm
- Power:11.3 HP

Brixton BX 125 X
- Cubic capacity:124 ccm
- Power:11.3 HP

Brixton BX 250
- Cubic capacity:250 ccm

Brixton Cromwell 1200
- Engine:In line
- Cubic capacity:1222 ccm
- Torque:108 Nm
- Power:83 HP

Brixton Cromwell 1200 X
- Engine:In line
- Cubic capacity:1222 ccm
- Torque:108 Nm
- Power:83 HP

Brixton Cromwell 125
- Cubic capacity:125 ccm
- Torque:9.7 Nm
- Power:11 HP

Brixton Cromwell 250
- Cubic capacity:249 ccm
- Torque:16.5 Nm
- Power:17 HP

Brixton Crossfire 125
- Cubic capacity:125 ccm
- Torque:10.5 Nm
- Power:14 HP

Brixton Crossfire 125 XS
- Cubic capacity:125 ccm
- Torque:9.6 Nm
- Power:11 HP

Brixton Crossfire 500
- Engine:In line
- Cubic capacity:486 ccm
- Torque:43 Nm
- Power:48 HP

Brixton Crossfire 500 X
- Engine:In line
- Cubic capacity:486 ccm
- Torque:43 Nm
- Power:48 HP

Brixton Crossfire 500XC
- Engine:In line
- Cubic capacity:486 ccm
- Torque:43 Nm
- Power:48 HP

Brixton Felsberg 125
- Cubic capacity:125 ccm
- Torque:9.7 Nm
- Power:11 HP

Brixton Felsberg 125 XC
- Cubic capacity:125 ccm
- Torque:9.7 Nm
- Power:11 HP

Brixton Felsberg 250
- Cubic capacity:249 ccm
- Torque:16.5 Nm
- Power:17 HP

Brixton Haycroft 125
- Cubic capacity:124.8 ccm
- Power:11.3 HP

Brixton Rayburn 125
- Cubic capacity:125 ccm
- Torque:9.7 Nm
- Power:11 HP

Brixton SK8 125
- Cubic capacity:124.8 ccm
- Power:11.3 HP

Brixton Sunray 125
- Cubic capacity:125 ccm
- Torque:9.7 Nm
- Power:11 HP