Explore technical data, images, prices, pros & cons of motorcycles to make an informed decision before your next purchase. Whether you're a seasoned rider or a beginner, diving into the comprehensive technical specifications and high-quality images can give you a clear picture of each model's features. Comparing prices and weighing the pros & cons will help you find the perfect motorcycle that fits your needs and budget.

Cleveland CycleWerks is motorcycle manufacturer. The Cleveland CycleWerks brand was launched in 2009. Our main line consists of 110cc-450cc motorcycles. The goal of the company is to bring innovative and beautiful product to market. Our focus is on value to the consumer in design, cost and performance.

Cleveland THA HEIST "Bobber"
- Cubic capacity:229 ccm
- Power:17 HP
Naked bike

Cleveland THA MISFIT "Cafe Racer"
- Cubic capacity:125 ccm
- Power:11 HP