Explore technical data, images, prices, pros & cons of motorcycles to make an informed decision before your next purchase. Whether you're a seasoned rider or a beginner, diving into the comprehensive technical specifications and high-quality images can give you a clear picture of each model's features. Comparing prices and weighing the pros & cons will help you find the perfect motorcycle that fits your needs and budget.

E-Max is a premium brand founded in Germany in year 2003 and is targeting international B2B markets and aim to be expert in delivery operations. E-Max’s range of electric scooters have obtained a reputation in the international market as the best two-wheel electric delivery vehicles available. They are highly adaptable and very suitable for long distance, heavy duty and large loading delivery purposes.

E-Max 100L
- Power:2.72 HP

E-Max 110 S
- Power:5.2 HP

E-Max 120 L
- Power:2.72 HP

E-Max 140L
- Power:2.72 HP

E-Max 190L
- Power:10 HP

E-Max 90 S
- Power:5.2 HP