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Yiben is a Chinese motorcycle and scooter manufacturer. They produce a range of two-wheeled vehicles, including small scooters, mopeds, and motorcycles. Their products are mainly sold in China and other parts of Asia, as well as in some other countries around the world. Yiben has been in operation since 1993 and has grown to become one of the largest motorcycle and scooter manufacturers in China.

Yiben YB125T-15
- Cubic capacity:124 ccm
- Torque:7 Nm
- Power:5.9 HP

Yiben YB125T-15J
- Cubic capacity:124 ccm
- Torque:7 Nm
- Power:6 HP

Yiben YB150T-15
- Cubic capacity:149 ccm
- Torque:8.5 Nm
- Power:8.2 HP

Yiben YB150T-2
- Cubic capacity:149 ccm
- Torque:8.3 Nm
- Power:9.5 HP

Yiben YB50QT-3
- Cubic capacity:49 ccm
- Torque:3.4 Nm
- Power:3.4 HP

Yiben YB50QT-6
- Cubic capacity:50 ccm
- Torque:3.4 Nm
- Power:3.4 HP

Yiben YB50QT-9
- Cubic capacity:50 ccm
- Torque:3 Nm
- Power:3 HP