Triton Baja 250 2011 vs. Yamaha YFM 90 2011

Triton Baja 250 2011

Yamaha YFM 90 2011
Overview - Triton Baja 250 2011 vs Yamaha YFM 90 2011

Triton Baja 250 2011

Yamaha YFM 90 2011
Technical Specifications Triton Baja 250 2011 compared to Yamaha YFM 90 2011
Triton Baja 250 2011
Yamaha YFM 90 2011
Engine and Drive Train
Bore | Bore | 71 mm | Bore | 47 mm |
Stroke | Stroke | 63 mm | Stroke | 51 mm |
Transmission Type | Transmission Type | Automatic | Transmission Type | Automatic |
Cylinders | Cylinders | 1 | Cylinders | 1 |
Strokes | Strokes | 4-Stroke | Strokes | 4-Stroke |
Cooling | Cooling | liquid | Cooling | Air |
Displacement | Displacement | 249.4 ccm | Displacement | 88 ccm |
Brakes Front
Type | Type | Double disk | Type | Drum |
Brakes Rear
Type | Type | Disc | Type | Disc |
Dimensions and Weights
Front tyre width | Front tyre width | 210 mm | Front tyre width | 180 mm |
Front tyre height | Front tyre height | 7 % | Front tyre height | 7 % |
Rear tyre width | Rear tyre width | 200 mm | Rear tyre width | 180 mm |
Rear tyre height | Rear tyre height | 11 % | Rear tyre height | 9 % |
Length | Length | 1,825 mm | Length | 1,490 mm |
Width | Width | 1,230 mm | Width | 885 mm |
Height | Height | 1,140 mm | Height | 910 mm |
Wheelbase | Wheelbase | 1,270 mm | Wheelbase | 1,010 mm |
Seat Height | Seat Height | 870 mm | Seat Height | 654 mm |
Dry Weight | Dry Weight | 212 kg | Dry Weight | 120 kg |
Fuel Tank Capacity | Fuel Tank Capacity | 14.8 l | Fuel Tank Capacity | 4.8 l |
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Triton Baja 250 vs Yamaha YFM 90
Price Triton Baja 250
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price Yamaha YFM 90
Model year
Current average market prices