Sym Jet 4 50 R 2013 vs. Kymco Agility 50 2012

Sym Jet 4 50 R 2013

Kymco Agility 50 2012
Overview - Sym Jet 4 50 R 2013 vs Kymco Agility 50 2012

Sym Jet 4 50 R 2013

Kymco Agility 50 2012
Technical Specifications Sym Jet 4 50 R 2013 compared to Kymco Agility 50 2012
Sym Jet 4 50 R 2013
Kymco Agility 50 2012
Engine and Drive Train
Engine power | Engine power | 3.4 HP | Engine power | 3.3 HP |
Rpm at Max. Power | Rpm at Max. Power | 6,000 rpm | Rpm at Max. Power | 7,500 rpm |
Torque | Torque | 4.1 Nm | Torque | 3.5 Nm |
Rpm at Torque | Rpm at Torque | 5,000 rpm | Rpm at Torque | 7,000 rpm |
Starter | Starter | Kick | Starter | Kick |
Transmission Type | Transmission Type | Variomatic | Transmission Type | Automatic |
Cylinders | Cylinders | 1 | Cylinders | 1 |
Strokes | Strokes | 2-Stroke | Strokes | 4-Stroke |
Cooling | Cooling | Air | Cooling | Air |
Displacement | Displacement | 49.4 ccm | Displacement | 49.5 ccm |
Brakes Rear
Type | Type | Drum | Type | Drum |
Dimensions and Weights
Front tyre width | Front tyre width | 120 mm | Front tyre width | 120 mm |
Front tyre height | Front tyre height | 60 % | Front tyre height | 70 % |
Front tyre diameter | Front tyre diameter | 13 inch | Front tyre diameter | 12 inch |
Rear tyre width | Rear tyre width | 130 mm | Rear tyre width | 130 mm |
Rear tyre height | Rear tyre height | 70 % | Rear tyre height | 70 % |
Rear tyre diameter | Rear tyre diameter | 12 inch | Rear tyre diameter | 12 inch |
Length | Length | 1,900 mm | Length | 1,830 mm |
Width | Width | 655 mm | Width | 690 mm |
Height | Height | 1,140 mm | Height | 1,130 mm |
Seat Height | Seat Height | 770 mm | Seat Height | 785 mm |
Dry Weight | Dry Weight | 109 kg | Dry Weight | 96 kg |
Fuel Tank Capacity | Fuel Tank Capacity | 5.2 l | Fuel Tank Capacity | 5 l |
License compliancy | License compliancy | AM | License compliancy | AM |
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Sym Jet 4 50 R vs Kymco Agility 50
Price Sym Jet 4 50 R
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price Kymco Agility 50
Model year
Current average market prices