Honda XL 700V Transalp 2014 vs. Ducati Multistrada 1200 2010

Honda XL 700V Transalp 2014

Ducati Multistrada 1200 2010
Overview - Honda XL 700V Transalp 2014 vs Ducati Multistrada 1200 2010

Honda XL 700V Transalp 2014

Ducati Multistrada 1200 2010
Technical Specifications Honda XL 700V Transalp 2014 compared to Ducati Multistrada 1200 2010
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Honda XL 700V Transalp 2014

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Ducati Multistrada 1200 2010

In its brochures, Ducati often speaks of "4 bikes in one motorbike", but this is a slight understatement. These 4 riding modes can be freely configured. The rider then has a little night reading in front of him in the form of the manual, but can actually adapt each mode to his preferences in terms of chassis, engine, ABS and DTC.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Honda XL 700V Transalp vs Ducati Multistrada 1200
Price Honda XL 700V Transalp
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Ducati Multistrada 1200
Model year
Current average market prices