Honda SH300i 2011 vs. Piaggio Carnaby 300 i.e. Cruiser 2011

Honda SH300i 2011

Piaggio Carnaby 300 i.e. Cruiser 2011
Overview - Honda SH300i 2011 vs Piaggio Carnaby 300 i.e. Cruiser 2011

Honda SH300i 2011

Piaggio Carnaby 300 i.e. Cruiser 2011
Technical Specifications Honda SH300i 2011 compared to Piaggio Carnaby 300 i.e. Cruiser 2011
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Honda SH300i 2011

In the minds of the travelling mannequins, you quickly mutate from a dove of peace to a mobile declaration of war. Faster progress is not welcome in this country. But the SH irritates at first, then calms down with its harmonising painting and in the next moment it is gone anyway.
Piaggio Carnaby 300 i.e. Cruiser 2011

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Honda SH300i vs Piaggio Carnaby 300 i.e. Cruiser
Price Honda SH300i
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Piaggio Carnaby 300 i.e. Cruiser
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.