Honda CRF 450 RX 2018 vs. Suzuki RM-Z450 2017

Honda CRF 450 RX 2018

Suzuki RM-Z450 2017
Overview - Honda CRF 450 RX 2018 vs Suzuki RM-Z450 2017

Honda CRF 450 RX 2018

Suzuki RM-Z450 2017
Technical Specifications Honda CRF 450 RX 2018 compared to Suzuki RM-Z450 2017
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Honda CRF 450 RX 2018

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Suzuki RM-Z450 2017

The balance of the Suzuki RM-Z 450 has become more manageable, making it more agile and more fun. The engine's throttle response is very spontaneous and therefore a bit aggressive, which we improved a lot with a plug system for the ECU. The chassis responded and worked very well on site.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Honda CRF 450 RX vs Suzuki RM-Z450
Price Honda CRF 450 RX
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Suzuki RM-Z450
Model year
Current average market prices