Kymco Downtown 125i 2010 vs. Kymco K-XCT 125i 2015
Kymco Downtown 125i 2010
Kymco K-XCT 125i 2015
Overview - Kymco Downtown 125i 2010 vs Kymco K-XCT 125i 2015
Kymco Downtown 125i 2010
Kymco K-XCT 125i 2015
Technical Specifications Kymco Downtown 125i 2010 compared to Kymco K-XCT 125i 2015
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Kymco Downtown 125i 2010
Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Kymco K-XCT 125i 2015
The biggest plus of the Kymco K-XCT 125i is its looks, the second its price-performance ratio. Visually, it comes across as much more serious and mature than most competitor models and does not have to hide from the premium manufacturers in terms of workmanship and overall quality. Especially because Kymco also produces engines for other brands. The tight suspension is well-intentioned, but too hard for everyday use. The brakes also do justice to the sporty aspirations of the K-XCT. The 125 really doesn't have to hide from its big brother, the K-XCXT 300i.