BMW G 650 Xmoto 2007 vs. Aprilia Pegaso 650 Strada 2005

BMW G 650 Xmoto 2007

Aprilia Pegaso 650 Strada 2005
Overview - BMW G 650 Xmoto 2007 vs Aprilia Pegaso 650 Strada 2005

BMW G 650 Xmoto 2007

Aprilia Pegaso 650 Strada 2005
Technical Specifications BMW G 650 Xmoto 2007 compared to Aprilia Pegaso 650 Strada 2005
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
BMW G 650 Xmoto 2007

The Xmoto is severely underrated. With the right bank balance, the choice for an inner-city fun bike. Looks extraordinary, has no one, knows no one, goes well and lasts a long time. It would be nice if all the parts of the Xmoto were closer to each other and didn't diverge between soft and extreme. Simply a more coherent concept.
Aprilia Pegaso 650 Strada 2005

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price BMW G 650 Xmoto vs Aprilia Pegaso 650 Strada
Price BMW G 650 Xmoto
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price Aprilia Pegaso 650 Strada
Model year
Current average market prices