Honda CBF 600 S 2010 vs. Honda CBF 600 2010

Honda CBF 600 S 2010

Honda CBF 600 2010
Overview - Honda CBF 600 S 2010 vs Honda CBF 600 2010

Honda CBF 600 S 2010

Honda CBF 600 2010
Technical Specifications Honda CBF 600 S 2010 compared to Honda CBF 600 2010
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Honda CBF 600 S 2010

The CBF fits the bill. Honda hit the bull's eye with the concept of an easy-to-ride, reliable and at the same time fun motorbike. The two CBF model variants - naked and semi-dressed - remained at the top of the sales statistics in Austria and Germany for years.
Honda CBF 600 2010

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Honda CBF 600 S vs Honda CBF 600
Price Honda CBF 600 S
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Honda CBF 600
Model year
Current average market prices