Aprilia Tuono 660 2021 vs. Triumph Street Triple 2009
Aprilia Tuono 660 2021
Triumph Street Triple 2009
Overview - Aprilia Tuono 660 2021 vs Triumph Street Triple 2009
Aprilia Tuono 660 2021
Triumph Street Triple 2009
Technical Specifications Aprilia Tuono 660 2021 compared to Triumph Street Triple 2009
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Aprilia Tuono 660 2021
The Tuono delivers on the bends what the name promises. The sporty naked bike rides precisely and you enjoy the sporty corner chase. At the exit of the bend, however, one wishes for more emotion and adrenaline. The sporty expectation is naturally also created by the Tuono's racy appearance and cheeky demeanour. But this expectation is unfortunately not quite fulfilled in the saddle.
Triumph Street Triple 2009
Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Aprilia Tuono 660 vs Triumph Street Triple
Price Aprilia Tuono 660
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Triumph Street Triple
Model year
Current average market prices