MV Agusta F3 675 2013 vs. Triumph Daytona 675 R 2012

MV Agusta F3 675 2013

Triumph Daytona 675 R 2012
Overview - MV Agusta F3 675 2013 vs Triumph Daytona 675 R 2012

MV Agusta F3 675 2013

Triumph Daytona 675 R 2012
Technical Specifications MV Agusta F3 675 2013 compared to Triumph Daytona 675 R 2012
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
MV Agusta F3 675 2013

If there is anything at all positive to be gained from this completely botched engine tuning, it is that you can experience what it felt like to ride a sporty motorbike in the good old days. But I don't think those days were that good.
Triumph Daytona 675 R 2012

The Daytona has beaten all the others before it has played its last two trump cards. The sound from the obligatory Arrow pipe, which should be worn open, is probably the coolest thing you've ever heard. Due to the additional optimal processing, simply really beautiful overall piece.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price MV Agusta F3 675 vs Triumph Daytona 675 R
Price MV Agusta F3 675
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Triumph Daytona 675 R
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.