Husqvarna Svartpilen 701 2019 vs. BMW R 850 R 2005

Husqvarna Svartpilen 701 2019

BMW R 850 R 2005
Overview - Husqvarna Svartpilen 701 2019 vs BMW R 850 R 2005

Husqvarna Svartpilen 701 2019

BMW R 850 R 2005
Technical Specifications Husqvarna Svartpilen 701 2019 compared to BMW R 850 R 2005
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Husqvarna Svartpilen 701 2019

At first glance, the Husqvarna Svartpilen 701 looks like a classic second motorbike. But in the saddle, it presents itself as a pleasing and accessible universal talent. It makes experienced riders happy and pleases beginners in equal measure. The surcharge on the 401 is considerable, but it pays off at the latest at higher speeds on great motorbike routes. There, the Svartpilen 701 can go at a fast pace!
BMW R 850 R 2005

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Husqvarna Svartpilen 701 vs BMW R 850 R
Price Husqvarna Svartpilen 701
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Price BMW R 850 R
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