KTM 625 SMC 2005 vs. KTM 450 SMR 2010

KTM 625 SMC 2005

KTM 450 SMR 2010
Overview - KTM 625 SMC 2005 vs KTM 450 SMR 2010

KTM 625 SMC 2005

KTM 450 SMR 2010
Technical Specifications KTM 625 SMC 2005 compared to KTM 450 SMR 2010
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
KTM 625 SMC 2005

For power freaks, the KTM 625SMC is an excellent compromise in road use. The iron marches splendidly, has an e-start, reasonable service intervals and also offers some comfort. In terms of handling and agility, it can't quite keep up with the two lightweights 450 Husky and 650 Berg.
KTM 450 SMR 2010

KTM and enduros - it just fits. The racing machine used by Hannes Maier surpasses the series version once again.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price KTM 625 SMC vs KTM 450 SMR
Price KTM 625 SMC
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price KTM 450 SMR
Model year
Current average market prices