Kawasaki GTR 1400 2010 vs. BMW K 1200 GT 2007

Kawasaki GTR 1400 2010

BMW K 1200 GT 2007
Overview - Kawasaki GTR 1400 2010 vs BMW K 1200 GT 2007

Kawasaki GTR 1400 2010

BMW K 1200 GT 2007
Technical Specifications Kawasaki GTR 1400 2010 compared to BMW K 1200 GT 2007
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Kawasaki GTR 1400 2010

Anyone who plans to blast off into the French Alps in 12 hours will have no problem doing so successfully - after all, it's no real challenge with the GTR 1400.
BMW K 1200 GT 2007

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Kawasaki GTR 1400 vs BMW K 1200 GT
Price Kawasaki GTR 1400
Model year
Current average market prices
Price BMW K 1200 GT
Model year
Current average market prices