NIU MQiGT 2021 vs. NIU NQiGT/S 2021
NIU MQiGT 2021
NIU NQiGT/S 2021
Overview - NIU MQiGT 2021 vs NIU NQiGT/S 2021
NIU MQiGT 2021
NIU NQiGT/S 2021
Technical Specifications NIU MQiGT 2021 compared to NIU NQiGT/S 2021
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
NIU MQiGT 2021
The new Niu MQi GT in the 70 km/h variant has shown that you can definitely go electric for today's urban scooters. Range and power output are satisfactory for the range of use, especially since the batteries can be removed quickly and easily. This means that the MQi GT can also be parked at a lamppost and started the next morning with full power. Only the lack of storage space deprives the Niu of the great advantage that scooters otherwise have. But with the optional top case, that's quickly forgotten.
NIU NQiGT/S 2021
Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price NIU MQiGT vs NIU NQiGT/S
Model year
Current average market prices
Model year
Current average market prices