Honda CL500 2023 vs. Husqvarna TE 510 2009

Honda CL500 2023

Husqvarna TE 510 2009
Overview - Honda CL500 2023 vs Husqvarna TE 510 2009

Honda CL500 2023

Husqvarna TE 510 2009
Technical Specifications Honda CL500 2023 compared to Husqvarna TE 510 2009
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Honda CL500 2023

Uncomplicated scrambler with a cool look, light-footed handling and a rev-happy engine - riding fun guaranteed for everyone. The CL500 proves to be a fun companion for every day on paved and unpaved roads. With a wide range of accessories available ex works, the Scrambler can be completely customised.
Husqvarna TE 510 2009

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Honda CL500 vs Husqvarna TE 510
Price Honda CL500
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Husqvarna TE 510
Model year
Current average market prices