Piaggio Liberty 125 IGET 4t 3V 2019 vs. Honda SH150i 2017

Piaggio Liberty 125 IGET 4t 3V 2019

Honda SH150i 2017
Overview - Piaggio Liberty 125 IGET 4t 3V 2019 vs Honda SH150i 2017

Piaggio Liberty 125 IGET 4t 3V 2019

Honda SH150i 2017
Technical Specifications Piaggio Liberty 125 IGET 4t 3V 2019 compared to Honda SH150i 2017
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Piaggio Liberty 125 IGET 4t 3V 2019

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Honda SH150i 2017

The SH150i is only just above the 125cc scooter, but it still has its appeal. If you are not legally bound to a cubic capacity restriction, the small surcharge pays off for a noticeable increase in performance. With a Euro4-compatible engine, LED lighting technology and Smart Key Access, Honda is moving with the times and proves that riding a scooter with a sporty vehicle like the SH150i can be a lot of fun.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Piaggio Liberty 125 IGET 4t 3V vs Honda SH150i
Price Piaggio Liberty 125 IGET 4t 3V
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Price Honda SH150i
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