Husqvarna TE 450 2010 vs. Husqvarna FE 450 2015

Husqvarna TE 450 2010

Husqvarna FE 450 2015
Overview - Husqvarna TE 450 2010 vs Husqvarna FE 450 2015

Husqvarna TE 450 2010

Husqvarna FE 450 2015
Technical Specifications Husqvarna TE 450 2010 compared to Husqvarna FE 450 2015
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Husqvarna TE 450 2010

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Husqvarna FE 450 2015

Still the golden mean. Much easier to ride than a 350. Not quite as nervous, but just a tad more ponderous. It has no end of power and torque. The 501 is frankly superfluous. This bike is not too weak for anyone. Probably not the coolest choice, 450 was "mainstream" for years, but in the course of a hard enduro week the best partner you could wish for. The few extra kilos are quickly forgotten on the leisurely connecting stages. During the test we also rode it with a Rekluse automatic clutch. This worked great and saved power.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Husqvarna TE 450 vs Husqvarna FE 450
Price Husqvarna TE 450
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Husqvarna FE 450
Model year
Current average market prices