Moto Morini Corsaro 1200 VELOCE 2009 vs. KTM 890 Duke R 2021

Moto Morini Corsaro 1200 VELOCE 2009

KTM 890 Duke R 2021
Overview - Moto Morini Corsaro 1200 VELOCE 2009 vs KTM 890 Duke R 2021

Moto Morini Corsaro 1200 VELOCE 2009

KTM 890 Duke R 2021
Technical Specifications Moto Morini Corsaro 1200 VELOCE 2009 compared to KTM 890 Duke R 2021
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Moto Morini Corsaro 1200 VELOCE 2009

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
KTM 890 Duke R 2021

The KTM 890 Duke R scores with simple ingredients. Take a low weight, a modern engine with driving aids, and finally, high-quality brakes and a good chassis. The result is predictable! The Duke is an attractive machine that is a joy to ride. The low weight can be felt in every situation. A cool bike!
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Moto Morini Corsaro 1200 VELOCE vs KTM 890 Duke R
Price Moto Morini Corsaro 1200 VELOCE
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price KTM 890 Duke R
Model year
Current average market prices