Peugeot Geopolis 300 Geostyle 2013 vs. Kymco People GT 300i 2012

Peugeot Geopolis 300 Geostyle 2013

Kymco People GT 300i 2012
Overview - Peugeot Geopolis 300 Geostyle 2013 vs Kymco People GT 300i 2012

Peugeot Geopolis 300 Geostyle 2013

Kymco People GT 300i 2012
Technical Specifications Peugeot Geopolis 300 Geostyle 2013 compared to Kymco People GT 300i 2012
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Peugeot Geopolis 300 Geostyle 2013

Above all, the Geostyle impresses with its smart costume and good workmanship, but the driving performance is also quite respectable. The 16-inch wheels also provide good stability, but the luggage compartment is a little small. Finally, it promises a solid basis for many years of scooter fun - and at a very reasonable price.
Kymco People GT 300i 2012

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Peugeot Geopolis 300 Geostyle vs Kymco People GT 300i
Price Peugeot Geopolis 300 Geostyle
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price Kymco People GT 300i
Model year
Current average market prices