Honda ADV350 2022 vs. Peugeot Satelis 2 300 2014

Honda ADV350 2022

Peugeot Satelis 2 300 2014
Overview - Honda ADV350 2022 vs Peugeot Satelis 2 300 2014

Honda ADV350 2022

Peugeot Satelis 2 300 2014
Technical Specifications Honda ADV350 2022 compared to Peugeot Satelis 2 300 2014
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Honda ADV350 2022

When a new model is based on an already known vehicle, a direct comparison is immanent. With the new ADV350, Honda has shown that it has managed to put a new concept on its feet. Thanks to high-quality chassis components and a driving-friendly seating position, the mid-range scooter is surprisingly fun and agile to ride through everyday life and even invites you to take a short after-work ride on the country road. Storage space and comfort are a given - if you are looking for an extroverted, but at the same time charming companion for everyday life, you should take a look at the new Honda ADV350!
Peugeot Satelis 2 300 2014

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Honda ADV350 vs Peugeot Satelis 2 300
Price Honda ADV350
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Peugeot Satelis 2 300
Model year
Current average market prices