Gilera GP 800 2008 vs. BMW C 600 Sport 2014

Gilera GP 800 2008

BMW C 600 Sport 2014
Overview - Gilera GP 800 2008 vs BMW C 600 Sport 2014

Gilera GP 800 2008

BMW C 600 Sport 2014
Technical Specifications Gilera GP 800 2008 compared to BMW C 600 Sport 2014
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Gilera GP 800 2008

At first glance, the GP 800 doesn't stand out that much when it's standing in the car park. Perhaps this is due to the colour of the test model. We had it in a subdued, dark red. All those who are overtaken, car and moped drivers, take notice.
BMW C 600 Sport 2014

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Gilera GP 800 vs BMW C 600 Sport
Price Gilera GP 800
Model year
Current average market prices
Price BMW C 600 Sport
Model year
Current average market prices