KTM 250 SX 2010 vs. KTM 450 SMR 2009

KTM 250 SX 2010

KTM 450 SMR 2009
Overview - KTM 250 SX 2010 vs KTM 450 SMR 2009

KTM 250 SX 2010

KTM 450 SMR 2009
Technical Specifications KTM 250 SX 2010 compared to KTM 450 SMR 2009
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
KTM 250 SX 2010

Although the two-strokes do not have a deflector, this does not mean that everything remains the same. In addition to the new design and a new frame, the mixture steamers get a new swingarm and a revised PDS system.
KTM 450 SMR 2009

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price KTM 250 SX vs KTM 450 SMR
Price KTM 250 SX
Model year
Current average market prices
Price KTM 450 SMR
Model year
Current average market prices