KTM 790 Duke 2023 vs. KTM 790 Duke 2018
KTM 790 Duke 2023
KTM 790 Duke 2018
Overview - KTM 790 Duke 2023 vs KTM 790 Duke 2018
KTM 790 Duke 2023
KTM 790 Duke 2018
Technical Specifications KTM 790 Duke 2023 compared to KTM 790 Duke 2018
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
KTM 790 Duke 2023
The KTM scores with a terrific engine and a high-quality electronics package. The look divides the motorbike community. Not all motorcyclists like the front. In direct comparison with other bikes in the class, however, the price no longer seems as attractive as it used to!
KTM 790 Duke 2018
The KTM 790 Duke L is an absolutely sporty naked bike with a high fun factor. Whether a beginner rider can handle it depends very much on his or her personality and riding behaviour. There are certainly motorbikes better suited for learning, but sporty radius hunters will hardly be satisfied with anything else. The 790 Duke L is also rather unenthusiastic about everyday rides in the city. On the country road, however, it's a blast, even with only 48 hp. Simply a fun bike as it is written in the book.