Gilera RUNNER 125 ST 2015 vs. Honda Forza 125 2018

Gilera RUNNER 125 ST 2015

Honda Forza 125 2018
Overview - Gilera RUNNER 125 ST 2015 vs Honda Forza 125 2018

Gilera RUNNER 125 ST 2015

Honda Forza 125 2018
Technical Specifications Gilera RUNNER 125 ST 2015 compared to Honda Forza 125 2018
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Gilera RUNNER 125 ST 2015

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Honda Forza 125 2018

Honda has raised the 125cc scooter to an unbelievably high level. In terms of equipment, pretty much everything the heart desires is on board. The cockpit exudes upper-class charm and the quality of workmanship is first-class, typical of Honda. The performance is also impressive, with the sporty chassis and the potent 4-valve 125cc engine, the Forza absolutely lives up to its name. The fine updates for 2018 put the icing on the cake. With the extensive accessories package, you can also further customise and upgrade your vehicle.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Gilera RUNNER 125 ST vs Honda Forza 125
Price Gilera RUNNER 125 ST
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price Honda Forza 125
Model year
Current average market prices