Gilera SMT 50 2T 2017 vs. Rieju MRT 50 Cross 2010
Gilera SMT 50 2T 2017
Rieju MRT 50 Cross 2010
Overview - Gilera SMT 50 2T 2017 vs Rieju MRT 50 Cross 2010
Gilera SMT 50 2T 2017
Rieju MRT 50 Cross 2010
Technical Specifications Gilera SMT 50 2T 2017 compared to Rieju MRT 50 Cross 2010
Gilera SMT 50 2T 2017
Rieju MRT 50 Cross 2010
Engine and Drive Train
Engine power | Engine power | 2.7 HP | Engine power | 1.3 HP |
Rpm at Max. Power | Rpm at Max. Power | 5,750 rpm | Rpm at Max. Power | 6,500 rpm |
Starter | Starter | Kick | Starter | Kick |
Number of gears | Number of gears | 6 | Number of gears | 6 |
Strokes | Strokes | 2-Stroke | Strokes | 2-Stroke |
Displacement | Displacement | 49 ccm | Displacement | 49 ccm |
Brakes Rear
Type | Type | Disc | Type | Disc |
Dimensions and Weights
Front tyre width | Front tyre width | 100 mm | Front tyre width | 80 mm |
Front tyre height | Front tyre height | 80 % | Front tyre height | 90 % |
Front tyre diameter | Front tyre diameter | 17 inch | Front tyre diameter | 21 inch |
Rear tyre width | Rear tyre width | 130 mm | Rear tyre width | 110 mm |
Rear tyre height | Rear tyre height | 70 % | Rear tyre height | 80 % |
Rear tyre diameter | Rear tyre diameter | 17 inch | Rear tyre diameter | 18 inch |
Length | Length | 1,840 mm | Length | 2,150 mm |
Width | Width | 750 mm | Width | 800 mm |
Height | Height | 1,210 mm | Height | 1,165 mm |
Seat Height | Seat Height | 855 mm | Seat Height | 850 mm |
Fuel Tank Capacity | Fuel Tank Capacity | 7 l | Fuel Tank Capacity | 6.3 l |
License compliancy | License compliancy | AM | License compliancy | AM |
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Gilera SMT 50 2T vs Rieju MRT 50 Cross
Price Gilera SMT 50 2T
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Rieju MRT 50 Cross
Model year
Current average market prices