Kawasaki VN 2000 Classic 2009 vs. Yamaha SCR950 2017

Kawasaki VN 2000 Classic 2009

Yamaha SCR950 2017
Overview - Kawasaki VN 2000 Classic 2009 vs Yamaha SCR950 2017

Kawasaki VN 2000 Classic 2009

Yamaha SCR950 2017
Technical Specifications Kawasaki VN 2000 Classic 2009 compared to Yamaha SCR950 2017
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Kawasaki VN 2000 Classic 2009

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Yamaha SCR950 2017

The new SCR950 further expands the wide range of "Faster Sons" retro bikes. A visually extremely successful, minimalist bike with beautiful scrambler elements. When riding on asphalt, you only notice that the XV950 cruiser serves as the basis because of the low lean angle. The engine, on the other hand, pulls well and the brakes, each with a 298 disc at the front and rear, make a good effort. Off-road, however, the suspension elements quickly snap due to the high weight of 252 kilos. All in all, an interesting and very finely executed interpretation of a very early scrambler.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Kawasaki VN 2000 Classic vs Yamaha SCR950
Price Kawasaki VN 2000 Classic
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price Yamaha SCR950
Model year
Current average market prices