KTM 690 SMC 2011 vs. Husqvarna SM 610 2005

KTM 690 SMC 2011

Husqvarna SM 610 2005
Overview - KTM 690 SMC 2011 vs Husqvarna SM 610 2005

KTM 690 SMC 2011

Husqvarna SM 610 2005
Technical Specifications KTM 690 SMC 2011 compared to Husqvarna SM 610 2005
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
KTM 690 SMC 2011

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Husqvarna SM 610 2005

The Husky is by no means an inexpensive entry-level bike. However, single-cylinder enthusiasts looking for power, a great chassis and civil service intervals have come to the right place with the Husky. A good iron!
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price KTM 690 SMC vs Husqvarna SM 610
Price KTM 690 SMC
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Husqvarna SM 610
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.