MZ 125 SX 2009 vs. Aprilia SX 125 2020

MZ 125 SX 2009

Aprilia SX 125 2020
Overview - MZ 125 SX 2009 vs Aprilia SX 125 2020

MZ 125 SX 2009

Aprilia SX 125 2020
Technical Specifications MZ 125 SX 2009 compared to Aprilia SX 125 2020
MZ 125 SX 2009
Aprilia SX 125 2020
Engine and Drive Train
Engine power | Engine power | 15 HP | Engine power | 15 HP |
Rpm at Max. Power | Rpm at Max. Power | 9,000 rpm | Rpm at Max. Power | 8,250 rpm |
Torque | Torque | 11.7 Nm | Torque | 12.2 Nm |
Rpm at Torque | Rpm at Torque | 8,500 rpm | Rpm at Torque | 8,000 rpm |
Starter | Starter | Electric | Starter | Kick |
Transmission | Transmission | Chain | Transmission | Chain |
Number of gears | Number of gears | 6 | Number of gears | 6 |
Cylinders | Cylinders | 1 | Cylinders | 1 |
Strokes | Strokes | 4-Stroke | Strokes | 4-Stroke |
Displacement | Displacement | 124 ccm | Displacement | 125 ccm |
Dimensions and Weights
Seat Height | Seat Height | 860 mm | Seat Height | 870 mm |
Fuel Tank Capacity | Fuel Tank Capacity | 12.5 l | Fuel Tank Capacity | 10 l |
License compliancy | License compliancy | A1 | License compliancy | A1 |
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price MZ 125 SX vs Aprilia SX 125
Price MZ 125 SX
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price Aprilia SX 125
Model year
Current average market prices