BMW R 1200 GS Adventure 2012 vs. BMW R 1200 GS 2011

BMW R 1200 GS Adventure 2012

BMW R 1200 GS 2011
Technical Specifications BMW R 1200 GS Adventure 2012 compared to BMW R 1200 GS 2011
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
BMW R 1200 GS Adventure 2012

You don't feel uncomfortable off-road with the GS, but it shouldn't be quite so rough for it either. The BMW scores the most points with its perfect ergonomics, superb brakes, tight chassis and unique boxer handling, complete with a deep, rasping soundtrack.
BMW R 1200 GS 2011

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price BMW R 1200 GS Adventure vs BMW R 1200 GS
Price BMW R 1200 GS Adventure
Model year
Current average market prices
Price BMW R 1200 GS
Model year
Current average market prices