KTM 390 Adventure 2021 vs. KTM RC 390 2020

KTM 390 Adventure 2021

KTM RC 390 2020
Overview - KTM 390 Adventure 2021 vs KTM RC 390 2020

KTM 390 Adventure 2021

KTM RC 390 2020
Technical Specifications KTM 390 Adventure 2021 compared to KTM RC 390 2020
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
KTM 390 Adventure 2021

The equipment and dimensions of the 390 Adventure show that KTM has by no means simply put a small, slimmed-down touring enduro on its wheels, but rather a (fully) worthy A2 licence-compatible motorbike that will give (re-)beginners just as much pleasure as those who are looking for an everyday bike and can do without performance in abundance. The sporty KTM takes you everywhere and is extremely fun to ride on curvy terrain thanks to its agility.
KTM RC 390 2020

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price KTM 390 Adventure vs KTM RC 390
Price KTM 390 Adventure
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Price KTM RC 390
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