Honda NT1100 DCT 2022 vs. Honda XL 1000 V Varadero 2020

Honda NT1100 DCT 2022

Honda XL 1000 V Varadero 2020
Overview - Honda NT1100 DCT 2022 vs Honda XL 1000 V Varadero 2020

Honda NT1100 DCT 2022

Honda XL 1000 V Varadero 2020
Technical Specifications Honda NT1100 DCT 2022 compared to Honda XL 1000 V Varadero 2020
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Honda NT1100 DCT 2022

The NT1100 has the potential to be a big hit in the travel segment. Honda has done its homework brilliantly in many areas. The final consistency on the subject of safety features prevents an even better rating of the tourer. Nevertheless, it is one of the best touring motorbikes I have ever ridden. A little courage for additional equipment variants and more colour could bring the NT 2023 right to the front.
Honda XL 1000 V Varadero 2020

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Honda NT1100 DCT vs Honda XL 1000 V Varadero
Price Honda NT1100 DCT
Model year
Current average market prices
Price Honda XL 1000 V Varadero
Model year
Current average market prices