Honda XL 125 V Varadero 2010 vs. KTM 125 Duke 2015

Honda XL 125 V Varadero 2010

KTM 125 Duke 2015
Overview - Honda XL 125 V Varadero 2010 vs KTM 125 Duke 2015

Honda XL 125 V Varadero 2010

KTM 125 Duke 2015
Technical Specifications Honda XL 125 V Varadero 2010 compared to KTM 125 Duke 2015
Pros and Cons in comparison
Pros and Cons in comparison
Honda XL 125 V Varadero 2010

Unfortunately, our editors did not test this model.
KTM 125 Duke 2015

For 16-year-olds and B-111 owners, the KTM 125 Duke is a blessing because it is not a small moped brand, but a real motorbike brand with sporty prestige and a high coolness factor. Motorcyclists who have outgrown school age will miss performance and are more likely to use the smallest Duke for very short everyday trips, if at all. I would then rather prefer a scooter, which also has storage space.
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price Honda XL 125 V Varadero vs KTM 125 Duke
Price Honda XL 125 V Varadero
Model year
Current average market prices
Price KTM 125 Duke
Model year
Current average market prices