KTM 950 Adventure S 2005 vs. Honda XL 700V Transalp 2009

KTM 950 Adventure S 2005

Honda XL 700V Transalp 2009
Technical Specifications KTM 950 Adventure S 2005 compared to Honda XL 700V Transalp 2009
KTM 950 Adventure S 2005
Honda XL 700V Transalp 2009
Engine and Drive Train
Engine power | Engine power | 98 HP | Engine power | 60 HP |
Torque | Torque | 97 Nm | Torque | 60 Nm |
Rpm at Torque | Rpm at Torque | 6,000 rpm | Rpm at Torque | 6,000 rpm |
Transmission | Transmission | Chain | Transmission | Chain |
Strokes | Strokes | 4-Stroke | Strokes | 4-Stroke |
Cooling | Cooling | liquid | Cooling | liquid |
Displacement | Displacement | 942 ccm | Displacement | 680 ccm |
Dimensions and Weights
Wheelbase | Wheelbase | 1,570 mm | Wheelbase | 1,515 mm |
Seat Height | Seat Height | 895 mm | Seat Height | 837 mm |
Fuel Tank Capacity | Fuel Tank Capacity | 22 l | Fuel Tank Capacity | 17.5 l |
License compliancy | License compliancy | A | License compliancy | A |
Price Comparison Avarage Market Price KTM 950 Adventure S vs Honda XL 700V Transalp
Price KTM 950 Adventure S
Unfortunately, the data available to us is not sufficient to provide meaningful price information for this model.
Price Honda XL 700V Transalp
Model year
Current average market prices