Super Soco
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Super Soco is a brand of electric motorcycles and scooters, designed in Europe and manufactured in China by the company VMoto Soco. They offer a range of urban mobility solutions, including the TC Max and CPx electric scooters, and the CUx and TSx electric motorcycles.

Super Soco TC Wanderer
- Engine:Electric

Super Soco TS Street Hunter
- Engine:Electric
Naked bike

Super Soco TC
- Engine:Electric
- Torque:120 Nm

Super Soco TC Eco 45 km/h
- Engine:Electric
- Torque:150 Nm
- Power:4 HP

Super Soco TC Max 95 km/h
- Engine:Electric
- Torque:180 Nm
- Power:6.8 HP

Super Soco TC Wanderer 45 km/h
- Engine:Electric
- Power:2.7 HP

Super Soco TC Wanderer 75 km/h
- Engine:Electric
- Power:3.4 HP

Super Soco TCmax
- Engine:Electric
- Torque:180 Nm

Super Soco TS
- Engine:Electric
- Torque:120 Nm

Super Soco TS Limited
- Engine:Electric
- Torque:120 Nm

Super Soco TS Streethunter 45 km/h
- Engine:Electric
- Power:2.7 HP

Super Soco TS Streethunter 75 km/h
- Engine:Electric
- Power:3.4 HP

Super Soco TS1200R
- Engine:Electric
- Torque:120 Nm

Super Soco TSX
- Engine:Electric
- Torque:150 Nm

Super Soco TSX Eco 45 km/h
- Engine:Electric
- Torque:150 Nm
- Power:4 HP

Super Soco TSx ECO
- Engine:Electric

Super Soco VS1

Super Soco CPX
- Engine:Electric
- Torque:171 Nm

Super Soco CPX 45 km/h
- Engine:Electric
- Torque:171 Nm
- Power:6.5 HP

Super Soco CPX 90 km/h
- Engine:Electric
- Torque:170 Nm
- Power:6.5 HP

Super Soco CPX Pro 105 km/h
- Engine:Electric
- Torque:170 Nm
- Power:9.5 HP

Super Soco CPX Pro ABS 105 km/h
- Engine:Electric
- Torque:170 Nm
- Power:9.5 HP

Super Soco CUX
- Engine:Electric
- Torque:106 Nm
- Power:3.8 HP

Super Soco CUx ECO
- Engine:Electric

Super Soco CUX Eco Limited Edition
- Engine:Electric
- Torque:106 Nm
- Power:3.8 HP

Super Soco TC ECO
- Engine:Electric