Explore technical data, images, prices, pros & cons of motorcycles to make an informed decision before your next purchase. Whether you're a seasoned rider or a beginner, diving into the comprehensive technical specifications and high-quality images can give you a clear picture of each model's features. Comparing prices and weighing the pros & cons will help you find the perfect motorcycle that fits your needs and budget.

SWM is an Italian motorcycle manufacturer founded in 1971. The company produced a range of off-road and street motorcycles, including the SWM RS 300 R, SM 500 R, and Silver Vase 440. In 1984, SWM stopped production due to financial difficulties, but in 2014 the brand was revived by a Chinese manufacturer, producing a range of off-road, enduro, and adventure motorcycles. Some of the notable models produced by the revived SWM include the Gran Milano 440, Superdual T, and RS 300 R.
Enduro motorcycle

SWM RS 125 R
- Cubic capacity:124.7 ccm
- Torque:11 Nm
- Power:15 HP

SWM RS 300 R
- Cubic capacity:297.6 ccm
- Power:27 HP

SWM RS 500 R
- Cubic capacity:501 ccm
- Power:33.5 HP

SWM RS 650 R
- Cubic capacity:600 ccm
Naked bike

SWM Ace of Spades 125
- Cubic capacity:124.7 ccm
- Torque:11 Nm
- Power:15 HP

SWM Gran Milano 440
- Cubic capacity:445 ccm

SWM Gran Milano Outlaw 125
- Cubic capacity:124.7 ccm
- Torque:11 Nm
- Power:15 HP

SWM Gran Turismo 440
- Cubic capacity:445.3 ccm
- Torque:36 Nm
- Power:30 HP

SWM Hoku 125
- Cubic capacity:125 ccm
- Power:15 HP

SWM Silver Vase 440
- Cubic capacity:445 ccm

SWM Six Days 500
- Cubic capacity:445 ccm
- Power:29 HP

- Cubic capacity:125 ccm
- Power:15 HP

- Cubic capacity:399 ccm

SWM Varez 125
- Cubic capacity:124.7 ccm
- Torque:11 Nm
- Power:15 HP

SWM SM 125 R
- Cubic capacity:124.7 ccm
- Torque:11 Nm
- Power:15 HP

SWM SM 500 R
- Cubic capacity:501 ccm
- Power:29 HP

SWM SM 650 R
- Cubic capacity:600 ccm

SWM Super Dual 650
- Cubic capacity:600 ccm