Explore technical data, images, prices, pros & cons of motorcycles to make an informed decision before your next purchase. Whether you're a seasoned rider or a beginner, diving into the comprehensive technical specifications and high-quality images can give you a clear picture of each model's features. Comparing prices and weighing the pros & cons will help you find the perfect motorcycle that fits your needs and budget.

Motobi is an Italian motorcycle brand that has a long history dating back to the 1950s. The company is known for producing small to mid-sized motorcycles, and has been recognized for its quality and style. Some of their popular models include the Motobi 125 Sport, Motobi Catria 175, and Motobi Gran Turismo 175. In recent years, the company has focused on producing retro-styled bikes with modern technology, such as the Motobi Racer 50 and Motobi Jump 125.
Naked bike

Motobi DL 125
- Cubic capacity:124 ccm
- Power:15 HP

Motobi Imola
- Cubic capacity:49.2 ccm
- Power:4 HP

Motobi Pesaro
- Cubic capacity:49.2 ccm
- Power:4.7 HP